Can Dust Mites Bite Human Beings? (Know The Complications)

dust mitesCan Dust Mites Bite Human Beings? (Know The Complications)

Most of the time, they take water from the air to survive in high-humidity environments. They typically eat dead skin and pet dander for food. Older homes located in humid areas may therefore have a dust mite infestation. In general, males can live for almost a month, and females can live for up to three months. Let’s find out the answer to the question, “Can dust mites bite?”

The issue that can come up is whether or not dust mites can bite. Dust mites cannot attack people, in contrast to bed bugs. As a result, you may have dust mites in your home without even being aware of it.

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What Are Dust Mites?

Dust mites are microscopic creatures that look like small bugs.  They are so tiny that they cannot be observed by the naked eye.  They tend to occur in humid areas where they can bury themselves in furniture or clothes.  They feed on the dead skin that humans constantly shed and can therefore be found near beds, sitting furniture, and other areas that humans mostly occupy.

Can Dust Mites Bite?

Dust mites do not bite humans, the way bed bugs do.  Hence, it is completely possible to have dust mites in your home and know nothing about it because they don’t leave behind the characteristic bite marks like bed bugs.  Dust mites also do not bite pets or other animals.

How Do Dust Mites React To Human Skin?

Dust Mites

Now that we know dust mites do not bite we must make ourselves aware of the kind of reaction dust mites have to human skin.

Exposure to excessive dust mites leads to different kinds of allergies, like

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Postnasal drips
  • Stuffy nose
  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Itching or rashes on the skin
  • Itchy throat

These allergies are usually seen when dust mites are inhaled or their fecal matter enters the systems of human beings.  If you suffer from allergies all year round, without being able to identify the trigger, and it increases during high heat and humidity, you should suspect a dust mite infestation.

How The Human Body Reacts To Dust Mites

Dust mites are so tiny that most of the time we dont come to know when they enter our bodies.  When our immne system detects dust mites in our bodies, it identifies them as foreign particles that can be dangerous.  Hence, antibodies are immediately produced which give rise to the myriad of symptoms associted with dust mite allergies.  Though dust mites are not dangerous, since our bodies identify them as pathogens, they can prove particularly harmful if the allergic reactions are left untreated.

The dust mites that are suspended in the atmosphere around us also regularly suspend their fecal matter in the atmosphere.  The protiens present in them too can effect our immune system.

Complications Of Dust Mite Allergies

Dust Mites

Though dust mite allergies are not serious, they can lead to serious complications if they are left untreated.

  • Sinus Infections – Sinus infections can develop due to prolonged inflammation of the nasal passages due to sinus infections.
  • Asthma Attacks – Dust mites can prove particularly harmful for those who already suffer from asthama.  They can face an exacerbation of their symptoms and might require immediate medical care.

Who Are At Risk Of Developing Dust Mite Allergies?

Listed below are the specific groups that would be at risk of a dust mite infection:

  1. Those exposed to dust mites – For obvious reasons, those exposed to a large number of dust mites would be at risk of developing a dust mite allergy.
  2. Young children and the elderly – Both these age groups have compromised immune systems, so it is obvious that they will be most affected by dust mites.
  3. Family history of allergies – If multiple family members suffer from allergies, you will automatically be more prone to developing a dust mite allergy.
  4. Asthmatics – Those who suffer from a pre-existing respiratory condition, will also be more likely to develop a dust mite allergy.

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Dust mites bite Relief Liquids
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When To Seek Medical Care?

Since dust mite allergies are very similar to the common cold, it might become difficult to dissociate between the two.

If your symptoms do not subside even after a week, it is wise to consult a doctor.

On the other hand, if your symptoms are severe right from the start, eg, wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing etc, you should consult your general physician immediately.

Concluding Thoughts

As a result, it has been determined that dust mites are not dangerous and cannot damage people unless you have an allergic reaction to them. Given that dust mites do not bite, it is possible that your symptoms are due to an allergic reaction. Your allergy or asthma symptoms due to dust mites may worsen during hotter, more humid seasons because they flourish in such conditions.

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