How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread? (4 Tips To Stop Them)

Bed BugsHow Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread? (4 Tips To Stop Them)

Have you ever considered how fast do bed bugs spread? If you face bed bugs at home, it is essential to know the reasons for bed bugs’ spread at a high rate. There are various reasons associated with it, including reproduction at a fast rate. Along with it, the bed bugs tend to move through small places to spread quickly.

When you know the reasons, you must work on the treatment. With accurate treatment, you can quickly get rid of drastic bed bugs and live in your home. Along with that, in the treatments, you can use alcohol and any other method.

How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?

We all know that bed bugs multiply rapidly, but how fast do bed bugs spread? It seems pretty unlikely that they would apply fast since they cannot fly or run; in fact, bed bugs easily find their way around things.

Bed bugs can spread at an astounding rate. They do not need much to grow and can crawl very fast. However, there are more reasons for them being able to dominate space in a few weeks’ time.

How Do Bed Bugs Move About?

How Do Bed Bugs Move About?

Bed bugs can crawl very fast. They are also good at hiding in various places. Their main means of travel is hitchhiking. Since these tiny creatures can fit into the slimmest of spaces, they often hide in the seams of a person’s clothes or in bags and luggage. This means that any place is only a short ride away from them. There is no saying how far a particular bug might travel in its lifetime.

How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?

Bed bugs spread rapidly. A single female bug can give rise to an entire population in only a matter of weeks. You might have picked up a bug or two on public transport, at an airport, while visiting a friend, or from an overnight stay at a hotel. These harmless-seeming bugs will give rise to an entire generation of their kind in only 3-4 weeks.

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Why Do Bed Bugs Spread So Fast?

Why Do Bed Bugs Spread So Fast?

  • They reproduce at a rapid rate – The average female bed bug can lay up to 4 eggs in a day. An egg takes around 10 days to hatch. Each nymph will need to feed five times before it is completely mature. The baby bed bugs or nymphs will take around 100 days to mature completely. This process of reaching maturity is termed moulting.
  • Bed bug eggs are as resilient as them – Once an egg is laid, the female bed bug secretes a yellowish-white substance that adheres the egg to a surface. This also acts as a protection for the egg until it hatches.
  • Bed Bugs lay their eggs in secluded places – A female bed bug will choose the darkest and most secluded spot to lay eggs. Places like cracks in furniture or the flooring, thick fibres of carpets, and crannies of upholstered armchairs become ideal spots for bed bugs to hide their eggs. This makes it very difficult to clean them out.
  • Bed bugs can travel through tiny spaces – Bed bugs have the ability to squeeze themselves through the tiniest of holes. This means, if your neighbour’s apartment is infested, even a tiny gap in the walls will be enough to start an infestation in your house.
  • They Need Very Little To Survive – An adult male will feed only once in 2-3 weeks, even if it has easy access to a host. If the availability of a host is scarce, bed bugs may live on for as long as 1 year.

How To Stop Bed Bugs From Spreading?

How To Stop Bed Bugs From Spreading?

Though it is almost impossible to stop them, these pointers will help you arrest the movement of bed bugs to a great extent.

  1. If you have stayed in a hotel or spent time at a public place, like an airport or on a bus, inspect all your belongings when you get home.
  2. Keep an eye out for the tell-tale signs of bed bugs in your house like red spots on your bed linen, exoskeletons of nymphs, black marks in corners of the bed or room, and bed bug bites on your body when you wake up in the mornings.
  3. If you stay in a building complex that is prone to infestation by bugs, avoid piling up a lot of stuff in your home. Reducing clutter is an effective way of handling these pests.
  4. Send for an exterminator if you find that the infestation is worsening. With bed bugs, it’s always a question of time, the earlier you find a permanent solution to your bed bug problem, the less expensive it will be.

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Check Bed Bug Relief Creams
Bed Bug Relief Liquids
Bed Bug Relief Spray

Closing Thoughts

Typically bed bugs congregate around the bed, and in bedrooms. They prefer an area of around an 8ft radius from the bed. This does not mean that they will not choose to inhabit other spaces of the home. Once you spot a bed bug, you should act on it swiftly.

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