How Can You Be Allergic To Mosquito Bites?

MosquitoesHow Can You Be Allergic To Mosquito Bites?

Almost everyone can experience symptoms from mosquito bites. These bites can itch, inflame, and turn red, which makes the victim very uncomfortable. The Skeeter syndrome is a disorder when a person develops an allergy to mosquito bites. I hope you now know the answer to your query, “Can you be allergic to mosquito bites?”

The following are examples of mosquito bite symptoms: Itching around the bite area, immediate or delayed inflammation, oozing or bleeding if scratched.

Can You Be Allergic To Mosquito Bites?

Can you be allergic to mosquito bites and if so, what treatments can you consider?  Mosquitoes are pests that are found and breed mainly in tropical areas with high temperatures and rain. They are resilient creatures and can spread dangerous diseases through their bites. Some people may also be allergic to mosquito bites. Before we go into details, let’s find out what happens when a mosquito bites you.

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It is interesting to know that only female mosquitoes actually bite. Male mosquitoes usually feed on nectar for their energy and survival. Female mosquitoes have sharp mouthparts also known as proboscis through which they pierce the skin to draw blood. In doing so, they also release saliva into the bloodstream. Since these are foreign substances, the body’s immune system releases a compound called histamine which sends the white blood cells to the bite area. Histamine is what causes the bites to itch.

In most cases, mosquito bites usually heal on their own and do not require extensive treatment. In some cases though, if the person is sensitive or is allergic to mosquito bites, the bites can further turn to rashes and blisters, resulting in secondary skin infections that may require proper medical treatment.

If you are allergic to mosquito bites, you may show severe symptoms of this kind of allergy. A condition that is commonly known as Skeeter Syndrome. Additionally, some mosquitoes may also be affected by viruses like dengue or west Nile and can pass these diseases through their bites. In this case, you will again show symptoms that are not usually associated with normal mosquito bites.

Symptoms Of Mosquito Bite Allergy

Allergic To Mosquito Bites

Below mentioned are a few symptoms that show in patients who are allergic to mosquito bites:

  1. Extreme swelling – In normal cases, there is a bit of swelling around the bite area, but if you are allergic, the swelling can extend to the whole part of your body. In these cases, you need to seek immediate medical attention.
  2. Anaphylaxis – This is another condition caused when you are allergic to mosquito bites. Common symptoms include shortness of breath, swelling of the throat, wheezing, fainting, etc. Here again, you need to seek medical attention right away.
  3. Swollen lymph nodes – Your lymphatic system may get inflamed if you are allergic to mosquito bites. This causes the lymph nodes to swell. Mild pain and tenderness are common in this situation.
  4. Fever – Fever is our body’s way of fighting most infections and allergies. Hence this is common in cases related to mosquito bites as well.

Causes of allergy relating to mosquito bites

  • HMB – Stands for Hypersensitivity to mosquito bites. This condition is rare, in which your body develops skin necrosis or blisters. The symptoms of this reaction may subside but if they return, they can get even worse. In these cases, patients usually experience fatigue, high fever, and general unwellness.
  • Allergic reaction – Not many people may be aware that they could possibly be allergic to mosquito bites unless they are bitten and then experience severe symptoms. It is therefore recommended to immediately consult a medical professional if mosquito bites don’t disappear quickly or if they worsen. Additionally, reporting any history of allergies in the family or in the past to your doctor, that could be related to mosquito bite allergies is also advised.

Diagnosis And Treatment

Allergies to mosquito bites can be diagnosed with a skin test or a blood test done by an allergy specialist. Your current symptoms and medical history is considered when interpreting the results of the test. In cases where you may be subject to severe reactions such as anaphylaxis, doctors advise keeping an epinephrine auto-injector handy. Venom immunotherapy can also be prescribed depending on the severity of the reaction, to cure mosquito allergies.

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Allergic To Mosquito Bites

Final Words

Protecting you and your family against mosquito bites and diseases carried by mosquitoes can be done in large part by taking preventative actions to reduce mosquito reproduction and population growth. even more so if you have a mosquito allergy. Knowing enough about mosquito bites is essential for comprehending the symptoms, causes, and timing of therapy. Having said that, not everyone bitten by a mosquito becomes ill.

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