Have you too been pondering this issue? Do Bed Bugs Have Wings To Fly? If so, you are not all that different from others who mistake bed bugs for other little insects.
Insects of all kinds, from ants to beetles, are common in homes. As a result, people frequently misunderstand how things actually look. Few of them believe that bed bugs have wings as a result. They cannot fly like other flying insects since they lack wings, though.
You could assume they are flying creatures because of the wing pads on their back. Fleas, bat bugs, and other insects are examples of those that resemble bed bugs.
Do Bed Bugs Have Wings To Fly?
Bed bugs have wing pads on their backs. These might extend to more mature bugs and make it look like the bug is growing wings, but that will never happen. Bed bugs are not meant to be creatures of flight. The wing pads are situated right above the abdomen of the bug which will make it difficult for the bug to fly even if it tries to do so.
The reason for the wing pads is that the older forms of bed bugs did have wings. With changes in the environment and other genetic mutations, bed bugs have developed into flightless creatures with the wing pads being almost a vestigial organ for them.
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How to Differentiate Bedbugs From Other Insects?
Different categories of insects:
- Fleas – Fleas are similar to bedbugs but they are more rounded and reddish in color while bedbugs are more on the brown side. Fleas cannot fly as well, but their bites can be dangerous as they might be vectors for diseases contained in animals.
- Bat bugs – The bat bug too resembles a bedbug, but it is covered with long hair on most parts of its body and is flatter and broader than a conventional bed bug.
- Carpet bugs – Carpet bugs have scales of red and orange covering most of their body. They also have short antennae over their head. They mostly infest the crevices of thick rugs and carpets.
- Booklice – Booklice is another variety and they mostly infest books, obviously. However, they are cream in color and resemble termites more than bedbugs. The body and head of the booklice too are separated from each other into different segments.
Where to Find Bed Bugs?
It is a given that bed bugs infest dark and damp spaces. They also prefer to stay in places where they can get easy access to a host eg, the bed, sofas, cushions, or curtains. There are, however, some characteristic spots that you might consider looking at when you are on a bedbug hunt in your house:
- On and around your bed and mattress.
- On the sofa or loungers in your hall.
- Seams of large cushions and cushion covers.
- In the folds of heavy curtains.
- In electrical sockets that have not been used.
- Among older toolboxes and tools.
- In crevices in the walls and old cardboard.
- In the areas where the walls meet the ceilings.
What Are the Ways to Prevent Bed Bugs?
Listed below are a few tips that you can keep in mind if you don’t want bed bugs to keep you company at home:
- Fumigate any second-hand carpets or furniture that you buy.
- If you have stayed over at a hotel, be sure to check your luggage and clothes for bugs you might have carried.
- Vacuum your carpets and other areas regularly to avoid dust and bugs.
- Avoid clutter in your house as that gives bugs more space to hide.
- Change your bed linen and cushion upholstery often enough if you fear bugs.
- Keep an eye out for bugs in your car as well, especially if you often carpool.
- If you spot bugs, don’t hesitate to call the pest control company.
Are Bedbug Bites Dangerous?
The simple answer to this question is, no. Bed bug bites cannot be classified as dangerous, as they cause only minor skin irritation and changes. It has been proven that bedbugs are unable to carry diseases from one person to another or from animals to humans. However, a persistent bug infection may lead to a person suffering from anemia.
Bedbug bites are also critically harmful to those who suffer from insect bite allergies. This might lead to triggering an allergic reaction among the sensitive population which might be mild or serious.
Concluding Thoughts
Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped, brownish-colored insects that feed on the blood of people and other warm-blooded creatures. These cunning hitchhikers lurk during the day and emerge at night, making them difficult to notice and even more difficult to deal with. Bed bugs are unable to fly because they lack wings. Bed bugs cannot jump a great distance, unlike other wingless insects like fleas. Bed bugs can go from host to host, although they usually do it via crawling. Genuine bugs, or Hemiptera, include insects like bed bugs. I hope you found this article’s information useful.