Bed bugs are small, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are attracted to warmth and the carbon dioxide that we exhale, which is why they are often found in bedding, mattresses, and furniture. But can bed bugs also live in your hair? In this article, we will explore the likelihood of bed bugs living in hair and what you can do to prevent and treat a bed bug infestation.
Is Your Hair Next Home to Bed Bugs?
Many have asked this question. Can bed bugs live in your hair? Though it seems probable, it is not likely. Bed bugs usually tend not to live in human hair. There are a number of reasons for that which will be addressed during the length of this article.
Ticks and lice are more likely to inhabit human hair, whereas, it is unlikely that you will find bed bugs in human hair. If you find or feel something crawling through your hair, you should first examine it to determine what kind of pest it actually is. In most cases, you will find it to be a tick or a louse.
What Kills Bed Bugs Instantly on Any Surface?
Bed bugs cannot live in your hair due to the underlying factors:
- Bed bugs have flat bellies that are meant for crawling but they cannot hang onto a surface for a long period of time.
- Bed bugs do not have appendages on their backs so as to cling to surfaces, the way ticks, mites, and lice do. So it is difficult for them to lay flat on their bellies for a long time.
- Bed bugs are characteristically nocturnal. So they will come out at night when the host is asleep, feed, and go back into the dark corners of their homes.
- The constant movement of the head will provide an unstable environment for bed bugs as they lack the sticky substance around them that louse and ticks have to keep attached to a particular surface.
- The long hair of the head will slow down a bed bug when searching for open skin from where it can feed.
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Where Do Bed Bugs Usually Live?
Bed bugs need an environment that is warm, dark, and easily available to a host. This makes the bedroom the perfect place for bed bugs to inhabit. Considering that a single female bed bug can lay up to 400 eggs in her lifetime, the generations of bed bugs grow in leaps and bounds and they can easily outnumber the occupants of your bedroom in a matter of hours.
Listed below are a few areas you will most likely find bed bug colonies in:
- Bed and bed linen
- Mattress and the foam, springs, coils, and seams of it
- Crevices of your living room furniture
- Cushion covers of the chairs that are frequently used
- Crevices in the walls
- Electrical sockets
- Beds of nursing homes, motels, and college dorms
- Park benches that are used frequently etc.
How Do Bed Bugs Travel?
It is interesting to note that bed bugs are hitchhikers. They get around on their hitchhiking skills for as long as they live.
The most common method for them to move from one place to another is by hiding in the seams of clothing and getting a ride to a new place where they will search for a new hiding spot.
Thus, it is entirely possible that one single bed bug from one home can hitchhike his way to another home and start his own family of bloodsuckers when the time is right.
How to Deal With Bed Bugs?
- The only way to deal with an infestation of bugs is to get rid of it. You might need to call in an exterminator if the infestation has become too large.
- It also makes sense to check your belongings if you have recently been to a hotel, on a flight, etc. Inspect the seams of your luggage, deep pockets, etc for bugs before you leave the place. If you can prove that you have picked up bugs from a hotel, you might be in for hefty compensation from them.
- Timely cleaning and vacuuming of the open spaces in your house will also keep the pests away.
- If you by any chance do fall victim to an infestation, be sure that you stay locked in for some time so as not to be a spreader.
- Time is important when it comes to bed bugs. The more you allow them to thrive, the more expensive and complicated their removal becomes. So act fast, once you see that first reddish-brown sucker walking across your bed.
Closing Thoughts
In conclusion, bed bugs are a nuisance that can be found in a variety of places, including your hair. While they are not known to live exclusively in hair, they may crawl into it while they are looking for a place to feed or hide. It is important to regularly check your hair and scalp for bed bugs and take steps to prevent infestations. These measures may include washing your bedding frequently, sealing cracks and crevices in your home, and regular vacuuming and dusting. If you suspect that you have a bed bug infestation, it is suitable to seek professional help to safely and effectively eliminate them from your home.
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