How long can homeowners return home after treatment?

Bed BugsHow long can homeowners return home after treatment?

How long can homeowners return home after treatment?

Bed bugs treatment is no easy task as it seems. During the treatment, you cannot enter your house. Additionally, there are also chances that you may have to leave home for a specific long time period. However, this thing depends upon numerous factors.

These factors include the size of the infestation, medical issue of any family member, kinds of bed bugs treatment. When it comes to heat and chemical treatment, heat treatment requires extra time. The primary reason to avoid entering the house after the bed bugs treatment is toxic fumes, and these fumes can be dangerous for pets and children.

How Long After Bed Bug Treatment Can I Return Home?

How long after bed bug treatment can I return home?  This is a common question that comes to mind when people get their homes treated for bed bugs.  It is an obvious concern because no one likes the inconvenience of staying out of their house. 

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Why Do I Have To Leave My House During Bed Bug Treatments?

It is not compulsory to leave the premises when a pest control team is at work, but it is advisable to do so.  Most bed bug treatments involve the use of strong pesticides and insecticides.  The fumes from them are toxic if inhaled over a long period of time.  

Also, it is better to be out of the way of the experts while they go about doing their job.

How Long After Bed Bug Treatment Can I Return Home?

How Long After Bed Bug Treatment Can I Return Home?

In most circumstances, a period of 4 hours is sufficient to eliminate bed bugs from your house, but there are a number of factors involved in the time it might take to tackle an infestation.  They are as follows:

  • Size of the infestation

It is obvious that a larger infestation will require more time to subside completely.

  • Type of bed bug treatment involved

Treatment time for your apartment will also vary, depending on the type of treatment you choose.  Heat treatments require a bit more time than chemical treatments.

  • Medical issues of family members

If you have a family member who suffers from respiratory issues, you might want to wait it out a bit longer before returning to your home.

Why You Should Wait It Out Before Re-Entering?

How Long After Bed Bug Treatment Can I Return Home?

If you’re wondering what the fuss is about re-entering your apartment, you should know that most pest control companies advise their clients to enter their apartments later rather than earlier.  Listed below, are the reasons for this:

  • The toxic fumes released from chemical treatments for bed bugs can be hazardous to children and pets.
  • Bed bugs require specific exposure time to chemicals.  If you return early and begin opening up the doors and windows, the chemical levels will drop and some bed bugs might survive the treatment leading to a re-infestation at a later date.

Who Can Give You The Best Advice In This Regard?

The only ones who can advise you aptly with regard to when you should enter your apartment again are the pest control company and their employees.  Since these guys have a large amount of hands-on experience working with pests, they will be able to guide you correctly.

What To Do When You Re-enter Your Home

You might feel a little lost when you enter your house after a bed bug treatment, as the exterminators may have moved things around.  Once you get your bearings back, you should take the following steps to get things back to normal again:

  • Open out all the doors and windows.  Your house will be very stuffy so let it air out a bit.  If you have opted for heat treatment, turn on the air conditioning to bring the temperature to a comfortable level again.
  • Wipe down any stains that might be left on furniture or mirrors if you have had chemical treatment.
  • Put all the fabric in the house to wash.  This includes bed linen, drapes, table covers, etc.  Use the hottest cycle of the washing machine.
  • Clean up all the dead bed bugs lying around (there will be many) Vacuuming is one of the best ways to do this.
  • Set up bed bug traps under your beds and couches to ensure that no bed bugs have survived the treatment.  You should be vigilant for the next week to check that the entire population of bugs has been dealt with.

Concluding Thoughts

Once you have had bed bugs as guests in your home, there is every possibility that this unfortunate circumstance might be repeated.  It becomes necessary to keep an eye out for these irritating creatures and deal with them as early as possible.  Follow the instructions of your pest control company in detail to ensure that the treatment is successful and you do not suffer a re-infestation.

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