Bat Bug vs Bed Bug – How Are They Different From Each Other?

Bat BugsBat Bug vs Bed Bug - How Are They Different From Each Other?

It can be a nightmare to have bed bugs and bat bugs in your home because they cause such severe issues. The bat bug bites people even though it mostly feeds on bat blood. Bat Bug vs Bed Bug steals your tranquility and gives you anxiousness, sleepless nights, and bodily rashes.

It’s amazing how these small parasites can upend your entire universe. Have you ever wondered how these parasites can disrupt the delicate balance of your body’s ecosystem? No, I think. Still, they do. You must first distinguish between the various parasites in order to treat this. To determine which medications to take or which pesticides to spray, for instance, you must first determine whether the infestation is caused by bed bugs or bat bugs.

Bat Bug Vs. Bed Bug | Urban Entomology

We understand that it is not possible to make out a difference between both creatures. But when we are with you, it is not impossible. In this article, we will acquaint you with the difference between bed bugs vs. bat bugs. In addition, we will provide you with some solutions.

Bat Bug vs Bed Bug – Points of Differentiation

Bat bug and bed bug looks similar in terms of their size, color, and shape. You will need to examine closely with a microscope to tell the difference. The only difference you can find is the length of the hairs on the upper thorax region, which is longer in bat bugs compared to bed bugs.

These both the creatures are found on the chair, beds, cracks, and if you have bat bugs, then the chances of bats residing around the place or residing there are high, and if that is the case, then you must right away call the pest control and get rid of it. Because if bats are around, then they are likely to spread deadly diseases.

Our Curated List For :

CharacteristicBat BugBed Bug
Scientific NameCimex adjunctusCimex lectularius
Host PreferenceBats (primary host)Humans (primary host)
AppearanceSimilar to Bed BugsOval-shaped, reddish-brown to brown in color
SizeAbout 4-5 mm in lengthAbout 4-5 mm in length
Feeding HabitsFeed on bat bloodFeed on human blood
Feeding TimeNocturnal (active at night)Nocturnal (active at night)
HabitatFound in bat roosts and nestsFound in cracks, crevices, and furniture near sleeping areas
ReproductionLays eggsLays eggs
Health ConcernsMay transmit bat pathogensCan cause skin irritation, itching, and allergic reactions
Human InfestationsRare, accidental from bat roostsCommon in human dwellings

Bat Bug vs Bed Bug – Where Are They Found?

Bat bugs have a very similar appearance to bed bugs but are not often encountered as bed bugs are. They are so closely related that sometimes it becomes impossible to differentiate between them without a microscope or a magnifying glass. Bed bugs feed on humans, whereas bat bugs usually feed on bats but can also bite humans.

Bat bugs are mainly found in places that are infested by bats. They happen to travel whereas bed bugs hide and live in beds and furniture. Both of these blood-sucking pests are difficult to control and they pose many risks of health destruction in humans.

Bat Bug vs Bed Bug – Symptoms

Symptoms of Bat Bug Bites

Learn How To Identify Bat Bugs : Pest Management Professional

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Swelling at bitten areas
  • Welts in a cluster or linear line
  • Extremely painful compared to a bed bug bite

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites

Bed Bugs Pictures - What Do Bed Bugs Look Like - Control Bed Bug

  • Fever
  • Bleeding from the center of the bite
  • Small, red lesions
  • Itching
  • Painful burning sensations
  • The zigzag pattern of little welts or red bump

Bat Bug vs Bed Bug – Treatment

How to Treat Bat Bug Bite?

  1. Self-heal- as the bites aren’t so deadly, they get to heal by themselves within a week or so.
  2. Apply calamine lotion
  3. Anti-itch creams
  4. Consume antihistamine- This reduces the burning sensation.

How to Treat Bed Bug Bite?

  1. Self-heal- Most of the time, the bed bug bites get to heal all by themselves within one to two weeks.
  2. Apply anti-itch cream.
  3. Calamine lotions
  4. A pain reliever can help you relieve your swelling and pain.

Bed Bug Bites – Everything You Need To Know!

Bat Bug vs Bed Bugs – Control Methods

Now, the question arises, “What Keeps Bat Bug And Bed Bugs At Bay?”

How to Control Bat Bugs?

  • Cedar oil – Cedar tree oil keeps all kinds of insects and bugs at bay. It has a strong scent that bats bugs can’t tolerate. These scents or oils can’t kill them but can keep them at bay.
  • Blood orange oil – This oil can kill bat bugs. It should come in direct contact with bat bugs to instantly kill them. Or you can find their hiding spots and directly spray on them.
  • Lavender oil – If the bat bugs come in direct contact with this oil, it can kill them. Bat bugs can’t stand the strong scent of lavender oil.

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How to Control Bed Bugs?

  • Use steam cleaner – Its heat treatment is super effective.
  • Diatomaceous earth – It is chemical–less and also the best natural way of killing bugs.
  • Cayenne pepper – You can crush and sprinkle on the infested areas.
  • Vacuum – An important medium to keep away bugs. Vacuum all the corners, cracks, and crevices.
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We sincerely hope that this knowledge was useful to you all and that it enabled you to comprehend the distinction. Please check out our website for more information as we continue to share knowledge that is relevant to your health and post such essential information.

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